Guest Bartender

We will be hosting a series of guest bartenders on Thursday Nights from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Guest bartenders can be worked as an individual or in groups of 2. Not more than 2 people will be permitted behind the bar.

Guest bartenders will receive 50% of the tips made at the bar to donate to a charity of their choice. (The other 50% going to the regular bartender but maxing out at 100 dollars. After 100 the rest will be donated to the charity of choice.) Checks will be made out directly to charity and sent by Beander’s with a corresponding letter letting them know who raised funds for them.

Guest will need to provide us with any information regarding the charity of choice.

Guest bartenders will be required to advertise and help bring in customers for the night of their event.

Help making simple cocktails but most important they are to entertain their guest.

Guest Bartenders will receive 1 free Beander’s shirt.

If you are interested in being a guest bartender and raising money for a charity, please fill out the form:

Guest Bartender

First Guest Bartender Name(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Optional 2nd Guest Bartender Name
MM slash DD slash YYYY